Fatal Errors that Delay Your Site’s First Contentful Paint (and How to Avoid Them)

Optimize the First Contentful Paint by avoiding common errors such as JavaScript issues and unoptimized images. Grumft can help improve your site's performance and monetization.

Fatal Errors that Delay Your Site's First Contentful Paint (and How to Avoid Them)

They Delay the First Contentful Paint, and this is where many sites lose their engagement potential in the first few seconds of the visit. If you are a medium or large publisher looking for a Google-certified MCM partner or want new ad formats, understanding how to optimize the First Contentful Paint (FCP) is essential. Grumft, a specialist in site and app monetization, is here to help improve your site’s performance.

What is the First Contentful Paint?

The First Contentful Paint (FCP) is an important web performance metric, measuring the time it takes for the initial content of a page to render in the user’s browser. A slow FCP can result in a negative experience, with an increase in bounce rate and less time spent on the page.

Common Errors that Delay the First Contentful Paint

JavaScript Errors

Errors in the JavaScript code can block the page from loading and prevent the content from rendering. Validate your code and fix any errors before publishing your site. Analogy: Think of your site as a car. JavaScript is like the engine. If there is a failure in the engine, the car won’t work.

Redirect Issues

Unnecessary redirects add latency to the page load. Minimize the number of redirects and use permanent (301) instead of temporary (302) redirects. Analogy: Imagine you are driving to a destination and are diverted several times. Each detour increases the travel time.

Content Blocked by Ads

Third-party ads can delay loading, especially if they are large or not optimized. Use reliable ad networks and asynchronous loading techniques to minimize the impact. Question to ponder: Are your ads harming the user experience? How can you balance monetization and performance?

Unoptimized Images

Large and unoptimized images can significantly increase load time. Compressing and using efficient formats like WebP are good practices. Analogy: Loading an unoptimized image is like carrying a suitcase full of bricks instead of light clothing.

Excessive Font Loading

Loading many different fonts can delay rendering. Limit the number of fonts and use services like Google Fonts. Question to ponder: Do you really need all the fonts you are using? Less can be more in terms of performance.

Server Issues

Slow response times or database errors can delay page loading. Monitor server performance and proactively resolve issues. Analogy: A slow server is like a waiter who takes a long time to bring your order, leaving customers dissatisfied.

Recommended Practices to Improve the First Contentful Paint

Validate Your Code

Ensure that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are error-free and follow best practices. Additional resource: W3C Code Validation Guide

Minify and Combine Files

Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to reduce size and improve load time. Combine smaller files to reduce the number of HTTP requests. Additional resource: Google PageSpeed Insights

Use Browser Cache

Use cache to store static files, reducing load time on subsequent visits. Question to ponder: Is your site making the most of browser caching?

Defer Non-Critical Scripts

Defer analytics and tracking scripts until the main content has rendered. This helps improve FCP without affecting functionality. Analogy: It’s like focusing on the main course before serving dessert, ensuring customers are satisfied from the start.

Monitor Your Site’s Performance

Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest to monitor and identify areas for improvement. Additional resource: WebPageTest


Delaying the First Contentful Paint can be fatal for user experience and, consequently, for your site’s monetization. By implementing these recommended practices, you will improve performance and user satisfaction, increasing your chances of success. Contact Grumft, a specialist in site and app monetization, and discover how our solutions can help your site thrive without compromising the user experience. We have the expertise you need to optimize your FCP and maximize your revenue.

For more information on optimization and performance, consult the additional resources provided and always rely on Grumft for all your monetization and performance needs.

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