Impact of FID on User Experience and SEO: A Detailed Analysis

How First Input Delay (FID) Impacts User Experience and SEO: Strategies to Optimize Your Site and Improve Search Ranking

Impact of FID on User Experience and SEO

The impact of FID on user experience and SEO is a crucial topic for medium and large publishers seeking a Google MCM partnership or new ad format options. Understanding how First Input Delay (FID) affects user experience and SEO is vital for optimizing the performance of websites and applications.

Understanding FID

What is First Input Delay?

First Input Delay (FID) is an essential metric of Google Core Web Vitals. It measures the time it takes for a user to interact with a web page for the first time after its initial loading. In other words, First Input Delay evaluates the responsiveness and smoothness of the page, aspects that directly impact user experience (UX) and SEO.

What is a good First Input Delay score?

Google recommends that FID be less than 100 milliseconds. Above this value, users may perceive delays and sluggishness when interacting with the page, harming their experience.

Factors affecting First Input Delay

  • Resource loading time: Images, scripts, CSS, and other elements need to load quickly to make the page interactive.
  • JavaScript processing: Poorly optimized or excessive scripts can overload the browser and increase First Input Delay.
  • Page rendering: The time it takes for the browser to interpret and display the page content also impacts FID.
  • User’s web experience: Factors like internet connection quality and device performance can also influence FID.

Impact of First Input Delay on User Experience

Perception of sluggishness 

A high First Input Delay leads to noticeable delays in user interactions with the page, such as sluggishness when clicking links, typing in form fields, or scrolling. This generates frustration and may cause users to abandon the site.

Navigation impairment

Sluggish interaction makes site navigation difficult, rendering the user experience less pleasant and efficient.

Impact on conversion

A negative experience can lead to a drop in conversion rates, as users may abandon purchases or other desired actions on the site.

Impact of First Input Delay on SEO

Google Core Web Vitals

First Input Delay is one of the main indicators of Google Core Web Vitals, a set of analyses that Google uses to evaluate user experience on web pages. A high First Input Delay can lead to a drop in site ranking in search results.

UX signals for SEO 

Google considers user experience an important factor in site ranking. A high FID indicates that the user experience on the page is poor, which can harm SEO.


Sites with low FID tend to perform better in search results, as they offer a better user experience.

Improving First Input Delay

Image optimization

Compressing images, using efficient formats, and proper sizing can reduce load time and improve FID.

Minifying JavaScript and CSS

Removing unnecessary code and minifying JavaScript and CSS files can reduce processing time and improve FID.

Deferring scripts

Loading non-essential scripts only when needed can prevent them from blocking page rendering and impacting FID.

Browser caching

Implementing browser caching strategies can speed up the loading of page resources and reduce FID.

Tool analysis 

Use tools like PageSpeed Insights and to identify performance issues and get optimization suggestions for FID.

Additional Resources

For more information on First Input Delay and performance optimization, consult the following resources:


First Input Delay is a crucial metric for ensuring a good user experience and strong SEO performance. By optimizing First Input Delay, sites can offer smoother, faster, and more pleasant navigation for users, translating into better conversion rates, higher engagement, and improved search result rankings. Prioritizing First Input Delay optimization is essential for the success of any site in the era of Google Page Experience.

For more information and specialized support in website and application monetization, contact Grumft, experts in developing tags that do not interfere with the user experience. Contact Grumft today and discover how we can help you achieve better results with your site or application.

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