TBT (Total Blocking Time): Tools and Resources for Optimization

Discover the best tools and resources to optimize your site's Total Blocking Time (TBT) and improve both user experience and SEO.

TBT (Total Blocking Time): Tools and Resources for Optimization

Are you facing difficulties with your website’s performance? Total Blocking Time (TBT) is one of the key indicators that directly impact user experience and search engine rankings. Optimizing TBT is essential to ensure smooth navigation and increase visitor satisfaction.

Why is Total Blocking Time so important?

TBT measures the time during which your site is blocked and not responding to user interactions. A high TBT can lead to a frustrating user experience, resulting in high bounce rates and lost conversions. Improving TBT is a crucial step for publishers who want to stand out in the competitive digital market.

Imagine transforming your users’ experience

By making your site load quickly and respond efficiently to all interactions. With the right tools and resources, you can optimize your site’s TBT, improve your SEO, and attract more visitors, increasing your chances of conversion and retention.

Continue reading to discover the best tools and resources to optimize TBT

Ensure your site offers an impeccable user experience and see how Grumft can help you achieve your monetization goals effectively.

Measurement Tools

PageSpeed Insights

A free tool from Google that evaluates TBT and other aspects of your site’s speed, providing detailed reports and optimization suggestions. Essential to understand where your site can improve.


Google’s platform that offers various tools, including Lighthouse and Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), to test and improve your site’s speed. Fundamental for comprehensive analysis.


A complete tool that measures TBT, load time, and other performance indicators. It offers graphs and waterfalls for detailed analysis, helping to identify performance bottlenecks.


Monitors your site’s performance from different locations worldwide, providing valuable insights on TBT and global user experience. Ideal for understanding how your site performs in different regions.

Optimization Tools

Lazy Loading for JavaScript

Delays loading non-essential scripts until needed, freeing up resources for initial page rendering. Tools like Async Loader and Defer.js facilitate this implementation.

Minification and Compression

Reduces the size of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files, decreasing load times. Tools like CSSO and HTMLMinifier are popular options for this task.

Image Optimization

Reduces image sizes without compromising quality. Use tools like TinyPNG and Kraken.io to optimize your images and improve TBT.

Above-the-Fold Rendering

Prioritizes rendering of visible content on the initial screen, providing a faster user experience. Tools like Above the Fold and Prioritize Paint make this implementation easier.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Distributes your site’s content to servers in different global regions, reducing latency and load times for users worldwide. Tools like Cloudflare and Amazon CloudFront are highly recommended.

Additional Resources

Google’s Guide to Core Web Vitals

Provides detailed information on TBT, other Core Web Vitals, and how to optimize them. Essential for those seeking a deep understanding of key web performance indicators.

How to Reduce TBT on WordPress

Presents best practices for reducing TBT and improving web performance. A valuable resource for publishers looking for specific optimizations.

Chrome DevTools Community

An online forum where you can interact with experts and get help optimizing your site’s TBT. Ideal for solving doubts and getting support from an active community.


Optimizing TBT is an ongoing process that requires the use of the right instruments and resources to monitor your site’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement necessary actions. By investing in TBT optimization, you will reward your site with:

  • Faster load speeds
  • Better user experience
  • Increased engagement
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Better search engine rankings

Contact Grumft, a specialist in website and app monetization, who develops tags that do not interfere with user experience. Trust Grumft’s expertise to optimize your TBT and transform your site into a high-performance platform. For more information, visit Grumft’s site and discover how we can help you achieve your goals.

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