Stick Ad 320×100 Grumft: Maximize Viewability to the Maximum Level

Stand out with 98% visibility. We guarantee that your ad will be seen by more users, effectively expanding brand exposure.

Sticky Ad 320x100 Grumft

The Stick Ad 320×100 Grumft is a powerful tool in the online advertising arsenal, especially for mobile devices. Designed to offer maximum visibility on smaller screens, this banner stands out at the top or bottom of the screen, capturing the attention of the target audience.

In this article, we will explore the distinctive features of this advertising format, its importance in online advertising, and how to create effective campaigns.

Stick Ad 320×100 Grumft: Key Features

The Stick Ad 320×100 Grumft is an ad format with 320 pixels in width and 100 pixels in height, strategically positioned at the bottom or top of the smartphone screen. Its notable features include:

Superior Viewability  over 98%

The on-screen permanence ensures that the ad is seen by a broad spectrum of users, increasing brand exposure, reaching an average of over 98%.


With a larger size, this format stands out, effectively capturing the audience’s attention and creating a visual impact.


The customization capability with images, videos, text, and calls to action offers flexibility to meet the specific needs of each campaign.

Creating Effective Ads

When developing a Stick Ad 320×100 Grumft, consider these crucial tips:

High-Quality Images

Use high-quality images relevant to the message you want to convey, ensuring a positive visual impact.

Concise Message

Given the space limitation, be direct and concise in your ad message, conveying information clearly and effectively.

Clear Call to Action

Include a clear call to action, guiding users on the desired action, whether it’s buying a product, subscribing to an email list, or visiting the site.

Measuring Success

The evaluation of the performance of Stick Ad 320×100 Grumft campaigns can be done through various metrics, including:


Number of times the ad was displayed.


Number of interactions, indicating audience engagement.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Percentage of clicks in relation to impressions, indicating the ad’s effectiveness.


Number of desired actions performed, such as purchases or registrations.

Final Thoughts

The Stick Ad 320×100 Grumft is a valuable tool to increase brand visibility and boost online advertising campaigns. By following the tips presented in this article, you’ll be prepared to create effective ads that generate tangible results. Remember to stay updated with performance metrics to continuously improve your advertising strategies and achieve desired success.

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